GCH TriLa's Made For Me At CoKie AOM
GCHS Windycity-Orion's Guitar Hero x Breken-MLD Just A Small Town Girl
(Fender x Journey)
Bred by Trisha LaBruzzo & Dasha Broadway
Owned by Karen Kiellach
This mantle girl was truly "made for me"! We are kindred spirits (at least in our love of food). She has been a joy from the moment she stepped into our hearts, always wagging her tail and brimming with love. Story was beautifully led to her championshio title by the awesome team Lawrence.
At 4 months, Story was awarded Best 4-6 month beginner puppy in Specialty. She also has been awarded Best in Sweeps, & Best Junior in Sweeps. After a few Specialty Major Reserves, Story received all her champion points with 4 majors, including 2 at the Ohio Specialties June 2018. With limited showing following, all owner handled by Karen, she received her Grand Championship and a Specialty AOM. Since then, Story has proven to be a wonderful mother and great producer with 2 very promising litters. Jester, from her first litter (Woody x Story ) was the GDCA 2019 Best In Futurity, and her first champion by 10 months, and his sisters were major pointed before Covid cancelled shows. We are planning her 3rd and final litter in 2021. Story loves to play, eat, snuggle, and eat. Thanks to Trisha for allowing us to have our beautiful Lovebug